Tuesday 3 January 2012

Tirl C1

This story is a bit different from life, in a way... this story includes a normal family of 4
a Mom named Lisa who obsesses life should "normal"
a Dad named Sam who wants the best for his family
a Girl named Abbey who just wants to live her own life and doesn't care about what the family does
and a Brother named Jake who's the perfect one in the family, straight A student at school and everyone in the family adores him, except Abbey of course
The girl and the boy fight alot because their well first of all brother and sister but their like opposites but sometimes opposites attract, not in this case though
oh and there's a dog called George, so in thats case its a family of 5

Chapter 1- just a "normal" life...
monday morning, Abbey and Jake, walking down the stairs; on their way to school.

Abbey: urg why do you always have to be right!
Jake:because its my natural gift...
Abbey:yeah right...
Jake:your just jealous thats all
Abbey:ew no, why would i be jealous of you... loser
Jake:i am not a loser!
Abbey:only a loser would say that...

-Lisa appears at the bottom of the stairs-

Lisa: ok kids...
Abbey :mom im not a kid anymore
Lisa: your right im sorry, of course its your first day of high school
Jake: yeah and its my second year woo!
abbey: yeah and im a teenager now
Lacy: i know honey, well you better be going right?
Jake: yeah mom bye 
Lisa: love you Jake
Abbey: ew family talk I'm going...

Sam walks down stairs after just waking up

Sam :what did i miss?
Lisa: just our daughter leaving for her first day of high school
Sam:they grow up so fast...
-They both wave at them through the window, Abbey smiles without meaning it, while Jake waves and smiles; then they both step on the bus.-
Outside the school, the bus pulls up, and out run loads of screaming and giggling teenagers, then off comes Abbey at the end who is totally freaked out by it all, Jake is already standing by the front door ready to go in, chatting with his friends
Abbey, speaking to sally, her friend; who she has known since kindergarten was just having the usual chat about the weekend and how lame Abbey's brother is, sally trying to convince her to think "his family."

Abbey:ew look at him, standing right outside the doors waiting to go in, such a loser
Sally:Abbey... just because you don't like school, dont mean to say he can't 
Abbey:yeah whatever...
Sally:so what we got first lesson
Abbey:oh... you think im actually going to lessons... ew no... ha
Sally:you can't be serious what are you going to do all day?
Abbey:well i was hoping to pop in and out of different lessons... ooo i'll go to art lesson !
Sally:that's the only lesson you'll go to?

Sally shakes her head 

Sally:well see you in art, second lesson!
Abbey:and between lesson!
Sally:oh yeah ... duh!

It comes to the end of school, Sally and Abbey are walking to the bus, Jake is walking behind them.

Jake:apperently you skipped every lesson but art...
Jake:so im telling mom
Abbey:fine, i'll tell her about the incident the other day
-his eyes circle the room in thought-
Jake:fine ... you win, i won't tell

He walks away,  disappointed she won this time; while Sally and Abbey get on the bus

Sally: do you always have something against him?
Abbey: umm... pretty much!
Sally: haha, so what you doing when you get back home?
Abbey: oh i don't know... probs just blast my music in my room
Sally: oh... ha... i'm going to my mom's club if you wanna come?
Abbey: what is it?
Sally: knitting
Abbey: umm... no thanks
-she pats her on the shoulder-Sally: okay see ya

she gets off the bus, back at home, Abbey is blasting her music in her room like she said she would, Jake is in his room on his computer, everyone else is in the living room.


no one answers...
Jake knocks on her door serveral times with detirmination to get her attention.
she opens the door with an almighty pull, the door swings open with wind blowing in her face. The face on Abbey seems like she 
has just been woken up in the middle of the night.

-dad downstairs-

Sam:your brother is right Abb' i can't hear the TV down here
Abbey:urg fine!

she turns it off and storms past him, brushing him by the shoulder, Jake rubs his shoulder a little

Jake:you didn't have to turn it off !
Abbey:yeah but what's the point of listening to it quietly?

She drags her feet down the stairs, and goes in the backgarden, the dog follows her

Abbey:see george im forced to come outside, well at least i'll have company
Sam:george your food is here!
Abbey:thanks dad! urg!

Everything goes quiet outside, as Abbey sits by the tree she looks up at the leafs rustling in the wind a slow breeze in the air.
She notices a sparkle in one of the leafs at the top of the tree, she thinks; curiously she tilts her head.
A big gust of wind blows the tree to one side, the thing that was sparkling fell out of the tree and landed on the floor.
She looks at it as it shines in the sun, it begins to blind her so she sheilds her eyes.
She looks again and it wasn't there anymore, vanished, she thought she was seeing things through her angry thoughts.
"Huh" she thinks, she starts looking round to see if the wind had blew it around the garden, but no sign of it.
A screeching noise was heard, getting louder with every second, deafing her; she covers her ears, at that moment  ground starts to rumble as if it was a earthquake. 
The force of it gets that strong it knocks her flying into the tree, she whacks her head, knocking herself into a deep sleep.
The object stopped shining and disappeared with the wind.

Sam hears a thud, he immediatly rushes outside; he runs to Abbey and grabs her shoulder, as if trying to wake her up but no response.

Jake, followed by Lisa run outside to see what all the commotion is. Jake spots Abbey on the floor, eyes closed and not looking very peachy. He kneels on the floor and begins to speak to her, trying to reassure that everything is going to be okay. 
Sam:Abbey?... wake up honey... Abbey!
Lisa:Abbey... whats happened?
Sam: I don't know all i heard was a bang outside and here she is... 
Lisa:we'll have to call an abulance!
Sam:phone an abulance, your sister, must have whacked her head on something.

Jake rushes to the phone,and quickly dials 911

Jake:hello, can i have an abulance please?!

Tirl C2

chapter 2

Abbey starts running for her life as she tries to get away from the people after her, she screams and falls to the ground, she tries grabbing onto something but she can't they start getting closer; she can feel their heavy breathing all over her, the one grabs her and ...

Abbey: ahhhh!
Lisa: you alright Abbey...?! 
Sam: its us your parents... don't worry your gonna be okay...you just had a bad dream, the doctor said you can go home when your ready
Lisa: you're in hospital sweetie
Sam: you must of hit your head quite hard sweetie
Abbey: i did?... did you guys feel the earthquake?
Sam: earthquake... what earthquake?
-Sam and Lisa both looked at each other concerned-
Lisa: I'll go and get you something to drink, come on Sam

They walk out
Abbey looks round the room, in the corner of her eye she spots something shining in her pocket
she reaches for it, and she feels a tingle on her hand, like pins and needles
she takes it out and looks at it in her hand, there it sat; a green emerald 
It stops glowing, the pins and needles feeling goes away. She looks up to find herself lying in the desert on the sand

Abbey: huh... hello?... how did i get here...

She says to herself really quietly, hoping some miracle would happen.
The emerald slips out of hand, she looks back up to find herself at the hospital with emerald back in her pocket
Lisa and Sam walk back in.

Sam: so how you feeling?
Abbey: a little strange
Lisa: huh... doctor said you was fine... 

Jake walks in... 
mom and dad walk back out calling for the Doctor, 'our daughter isn't...'

Jake: what was that all about
Abbey: what you doing here?
Jake: sorry to intrude but i was forced to come here, not like i wanted to come or anything...
Abbey: well it don't matter anyway.
-to her self-
i can't get rid of this stupid stone
Jake: what stupid stone...?

She shows him, he looks at it glowing, he seemed to be getting entranced by the shining colours, then when he looks around him, he finds himself and Abbey in a rainforest, water dripping from the rocks and the distant sound of a waterfall.
They hear parrots, frogs and monkeys all calling out their wierd noises. The sky was filled with purple instead of blue. 
This was deffinately no real rainforest.
Jake: great look where are now!
Abbey: stop yelling, this wasn't my fault
Jake: then whose fault is it ?!
Abbey: the stone's!!
Jake: and who picked up the stone ?!
Abbey: i didn't, i was just in my pocket!
Jake: like im going to believe that...
Abbey: i don't know... i don't believe it myself to be honest!!
Jake: ha!
Abbey: Jake this isn't a laughing matter were stuck in the middle of a rainforest 
Jake: I'm not laughing about that, im actually quite worried about that but yeah, you're trying to say that stone just... appeared in your pocket!
Abbey: well... yes!... if i woke up with it in my pocket and i haven't seen it in my life!
Jake: uh... well okay then ... whatever you say!
Abbey: you don't believe me do you ?
Jake: nope
Abbey: fine then don't what do you think happened?
Jake: well... you... must of done something!
Abbey: like what! knock you out, get on a plane and fly us all the way over here?
Jake: i didn't say that ...
Abbey: no... i know but its what you was getting at...

The leafs start to rustle

Jake: who's there?!
Abbey: yeah i don't like the sound of this...
Jake: me neither now shush!
Abbey: you shush!

The leafs rustle a bit more, a voice whispers this is no time to bicker then a foot steps out of the bushed and onto the ground, an african tribe man steps out with a spear pointing towards the sky. Abbey and Jake both look up in response, the look on their faces had just pure fear on them.

???: hello young ones, welcome to liz-sar-rith
Jake :ha... hi 
Abbey: yeah... hi
???: im zuki and you must have the stone?
Abbey: yeah we do and we'll be glad to hand it over...

she reaches into he pocket to find it not there 

Jake: well abbey, give the nice man the stone!
Abbey: ha... funny story, it was in my pocket... and now it isn't ...
zuki: liar!
Abbey: no im not !
zuki: you have stone i can tell !
Jake: Abbey you had the stone !
Abbey: not helping !
zuki: so the stone has just dissapeared has it ? very well... 
-he took a step towards her, then began to point the spear at her-Abbey: yes ... im not lying!
Jake: unlikely story, she always lies
Abbey: to you !
Jake: yeah which makes me not believe you !
Abbey: oh would you shut up!
Zuki: DIAM!!
Jake: huh?
Abbey: i'm taking that shout as a shut up...
Jake: oh...

Two other african men step out of the bushes
they grab Jake and Abbey before they had a chance to say anything
putting a full apple in their mouth, they then began to drag them
they dissapear into the bushes

Tirl C3

chapter 3-The tribe
Are they going to test on us?

At the african's camp
Abbey and Jake are being forced to go with the guards, they drag them into one of big tents
As that happens the natives chanted the leaders name "zuki" until he finally steps into the tent.

Zuki: do you know why you're here?
Abbey: umm... no
Zuki: because you refuse to hand over the stone!
Abbey: i don't have the stone !!
Jake: she's probably lying ...
Abbey: (to zuki) can you shut him up?

zuki flicks his hand towards Jake in mid-air

Jake: hmmm... hmm!!
Abbey: thanks... you have got to teach me that!
Zuki: you can probably do it because you are in possession of the stone
Abbey: i haven't even seen this stone before, except when it's glowing!... but after that it just disappears!
Zuki: LIES!
Abbey: oh please stop going on about me lying about this stupid stone!

A little flicker of something sparkly flashes in mid-air for a split second and Zuki forgets all about the stone, he then walks away mumbling about some work that had to be done... he ordered his soldiers to follow his lead, they did with confusion on their faces and slowly walked with him after giving Abbey a weird stare. 

Abbey: okay... what just happened?
Jake: hmmm!.... hm.. hmmm...
Abbey: okay i can't hear you !
Jake: yeah because you told him to ... i can speak again... his right ... maybe you really have got some powers...
Abbey: well he has kind of stop going on about the stupid stone so maybe i have ... okay this is weird
Jake: just don't freak out... who know what will happen?!

She Nods in agreement, what if she made everything worse than it already is, talking about something could make it happen, and right now she just wanted to find out why they are here, and what's this stone... but she'd rather keep her mouth shut and just find a way out of here...  
But she didn't want to go home, anywhere but there, if she went back home, it would mean she might be in big trouble for disappearing...  

Jake looked round the tent for the opening in it, but he couldn't seem to find it, like it was just a never ending circled tent with no opening.

there must be a way out!

The African people gathered and the troops discussed what had just happened to their leader... one of them went over to tell him but got sent to deal with some other matter. As much as they tried, they were rejected and he had no re-collection of what happened at all. 
Zuki looked at his reflection in the mirror and suddenly started to realise what had just happened and got everyone gathered to hunt for Jake and Abbey again. 
After hours of searching high and low for them... all they found were pieces of their clothing which were ripped off while carrying them to prominent ground of their camp to the leader Zuki. 
Zuki looked at these pieces of clothing, both cloth off top sleeves he conjured up. 
"we shall use these to track them down once our potions master has made what we need to find them... then once we do... they will soon know what hit them and will be sorry for escaping. 
shall have my jewels back... our ancestors depend on us to bring them back!"


Dawn passed... Jake and Abbey talked for hours about their situation but came up with no real answer to help them out of where ever they was...
Abbey started to wish she had the stone and kept looking into her pocket to see it was there... it usually was when she thought about it before... but this time it hadn't shown up.

They were stranded... left to live a new life for a while... and one in a tent with no way out for the time being too... They tent seemed to be getting smaller too. But doesn't every room when you're trapped in it and forced to never leave even you really urge to get and maybe just run around or stretch at least.

They were was plenty of room in their, just became sick of the place and they both cramped together looking at the tent walls...

Abbey was screaming inside but resisted to scream out loud... saving her energy.

Soon the day passed and they both lay down in the bed that were there, small camp beds with no comfort on them at all... but they were too tired to care and both had fallen asleep within minutes.

Tirl C4 P1

Chapter 4
so the "wierdness starts here
part 1

Its september 5th and Abbey is fast asleep, because of course it's midnight, like any good stories its best to do thing at the strike of the next day. In Abbey's dream, it involves alot of messing around with people's minds and playing tricks, but this time they were backfiring on her, and she was getting fooled. her right eye snaps open as if someone flicked her and woke her up; but no one was there, of course there isn't. She's had a bad dream and can't stand anymore of it! Although she is that tired she fells asleep again, this time there's a book on some podium, glowing with gold colours; there is something on the page but she can't make it out, or just simply just can't be bothered to read it.

Jake wakes up and starts looking under his bed, like he had lost something, he wakes up Abbey by tapping her shoulder. She shudders away... rolling over several times but Jake kept on tapping her shoulder, being eager in waking her up.

Abbey: uh! WHAT! can't you see I'm sleeping here !!
Jake: something doesn't seem right
Abbey: well yes, well done clever cloggs. We're in the middle of no where, what could seem normal?
Jake: no i just had a dream about... some... book
Abbey: what!... really?! was it glowing gold?
Jake: yeah and some writing on it?
Abbey: yeah... but you know me, i couldn't be bothered to read it...psssht
Jake: come on we have to find it !

He grabs onto her shoulder, and all a sudden their in a different tent.

Abbey: oh great! ... now i can't see a thing !

The book appears, glowing gold... like in their dream, Jake opens it and the light starts to blind him but then he faintly he sees writing be written by something that isn't there... the light dimmers and he can see the page clearly.

Abbey: well read it then ... gosh
Jake: I was getting to that ... thank you !

As they bicker on, the book stops writing, Jake starts to read aloud.

I believe this is abbey and Jake reading this, or rather Jake, seems as he is the who likes to read. Abbey repels to it. what you are reading has only just been written... i know this might not make sense yet, but i have a feeling it soon. in time you will see your true potential and understand why you have been brought here by some tone. As you have maybe figured this stone, or jewel as i call it... isn't any normal jewel it has great power, which you must use carefully, you'll figure out how when the time is right... over on the next page Jake, is the jewel's twin...

Jake turns the page to see blankness, he gets confused so he flicks back and forth through the pages, he stops on the blank page to think.

Abbey: where is it then ??... i takes its time don't it ...

As Abbey says that Jake looked at her and huffs wait?, then the page starts to rip like someone was trying to escape out of the book. Then appears shinning red jewel, Abbey pushes Jake out the way and goes to grab the stone but it won't let her, like she was the same side of magnet and it was telling her "no, you can't touch me", repelling itself away from her.

Abbey: fine! I won't pick it up!
Jake: let me try...

He reaches for it and before he touches the tip of it, it zooms into his hand, it feels warm. Jake grasps it, his skin starts to glow bright red, Abbey stares at him in amazement, she then looks at her hand to find her skin glowing green.

Jake: this is awesome... my skin glows red!
Abbey: lucky for you to say... mine is this ... horrible green colour

Tirl C4p2

Chapter 4-
part 2

At the hospital mom walks in with a worried face expression, yet she doesn't say anything until the Dad walks in.

Sam: what's wrong?
Lisa: they've gone... ran away, they will never come back now... i knew...
Sam: now calm down sweety I'm sure they haven't gone far!
Lisa: call the police Sam!!
Sam: but.. 
she gives him dagger eyes
Sam: I will 

He sighs and pulls out his phone, flips it open and dials 911.

Lisa presses her ear up the other side of the phone and listens in
Sam: hello, my daughter and son...
Sam: calm down... I'm sure they're fine... 
he says with worry on his face.

-Back at where Abbey and Jake are-
still glowing, red and green, Abbey has a screwed up face on her, while Jake has the delight on his face, as if he had won an award... but of course he was just amazed to see his skin that color!

Abbey: get it off me!
Jake:I would if i knew how... I'm no magician!
Abbey: haven't you thought yet that you might have some sort of magic in you now that you owe a "Jewel"

As she says Jewel she quotes with 2 fingers 

Jake: come on we better get going...

He places his hand on her shoulder and as he does that, they end up in a place with trees and mud... well that's how Abbey would describe it, but of course it's a forest. It looks like it's Autumn where they are... because of all the different color leaves, only some of them are purple and light blue, some of what you wouldn't see everyday!

Abbey: hey look a purple leaf!
Jake: only you would be fascinated by a purple leaf!
Abbey: it's a nice looking leaf!
Jake: yes yes yes... lets just figure out where we are!
Abbey: alright...

A little sparkle appeared infront of Abbey's face, Jake doesn't notice as he is looking the other way trying to think. Abbey taps Jake's shoulder several times trying to get his attention... he waves his around at her as if to stay not now.

she flicks his ear.

Jake: WHAT!!
Abbey: look a sparkly thing 
Jake: where!!

it dissapeared, just when he looked.

Jake: what are you on about?
Abbey: it was just there! 
pointing at a spot in mid air by her face
Jake: prove it !
Abbey: how am i supposed to prove it!
Jake: I don't know...put that's exactly my point 

it appears again, white sparkle; it was as if a fairy was hovering right infront of them.

Abbey: now do you believe me ??
Jake: now i believe you... fine
Abbey: what do you think it is 
Jake: I don't know... try touch it

She reaches her hand out and as she gets close to it, it swivels over to the left a bit, then she starts to chase it down. unable to grasp it...

Abbey: oh i give up!!
Jake: let me try...
Abbey: okay smarty pants, it's just like catching a piece of paper in the wind, impossible
They each take turns to grab the white sparkle for over half hour, then the last time, they both went for it. It split up into smaller sparkles, one was red and one was green.

Abbey: great im guesssing the green one is for me ... 
Jake: and the red one is for me... yes!!

The sparkles, go to Abbey and Jake, like there is river in mid air but the green sparkle goes to Jake and the other goes Abbey.


A bubble of light forms around Abbey and Jake, what they can see is different to what other people or creatures do. They see the place as if it was noon, in winter, with snow and orange leaves on the tree, swaying side to side. They don't say nothing about the change of scenery because they are starting to get used to be in different places without an explanation. Jake starts to sniff the air. He turns around because he felt a strong heat. He tapped Abbey twice, she turned around and they could see a burning fire infront of them a few meters away, Jake still had his fingers on Abbey's shoulder... they zoomed up to the scene standing right infront of the fire. But the fire seemed to be only burning in a square of about 4 ft either way. There was a bird house type thing laying on the ground, burning, inside something was something screaming like a kettle, the screeching got louder and louder, almost as irritating as a train whistle up close; then it stopped, the flames went out and the bird house disappeared. They could move again, they both stretched, Jake stretched down to his feet and looked at the floor by his feet while he was down there, he saw a golden key, surprisingly it wasn't glowing, he picked it up and they looked up again to find themselves underwater with fish swimming around them.
On the ground was a chest, like a treasure chest. Jake put the key in, and Abbey watched as he turned the key, she spoke but nothing came out of her mouth. inside the chest was a very shocking...